4th EU - Asia Dialogue on Nanosafety
7th of October 2020, 10:00 – 18:00
Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation
and Technology (Radetzkystraße 2, 1030 Vienna, room EA08, ground floor)
“From discussions to implementation”
This workshop is focused towards more synergy between Asian and European countries with respect to safe nanomaterials including standardization and test guideline development. Two major themes will be addressed.
- The Malta Initiative, activities to speed up the process of updated or developing OECD test guidelines and guidance documents by gathering and developing the essential information that is needed for this process.
- In addition, this workshop will be on developing a call-for-proposals in which collaboration between EU and Asian countries is enabled. The aim of the meeting is to publish a report (joint paper) about the needs & missing points & common interests EU-US / EU-Asia and which research needs shall be addressed.
This follows the three previous EU-Asia Dialogue Events and a successful meeting last year in Boston, USA: “EU‐US PRIORITIES IN NANOSAFETY IDENTIFIED DURING THE BILAT US 4.0 EVENT “FOSTERING EU‐US COOPERATION IN NANOSAFETY”. The report will be sent to the EC and MS (e.g. via the EU-NSC and the program committee) as well as to the Asian countries (via ANF), OECD and to the EU-US BILAT colleagues. This shall enable the mentioned stakeholders to step forward towards joint funding of the areas of interest (e.g. joint calls, bilateral agreements on research collaboration, etc.). The format of the meeting is a mix of introduction, overview presentations and breakout sessions.
Registration is mandatory before September 21st 2020: Register here.
More information and agenda can be found here.