The NSC Working Groups (and their subgroups) structure within the NSC has been designed so as to provide focus on specific activities within the European NanoSafety community.
The key aims and functionalities of the NSC WGs can be seen below:
- A platform for scientists to provide updates on nanosafety developments arising mostly from EU funded nanosafety projects
- To address environmental, health, and safety questions about nanomaterials and to collaboratively advance the field
- A platform to identify gaps in knowledge and research priorities for future funding
- The communities will be largely self-run with the NSC Steering group providing administrative support
- By default, the WG chair will be member of the NSC steering group though the WG may assign another person to substitute the WG chair in SG meetings
- The chair is chosen by the members of the WG for a term of 2 years. He/she can only be re-elected for a second term in a row. Election has to be arranged by the WG itself
- WGs can have one or more co-chairs
- The work done in WGs should be funded by the running projects (but with a clear budget determined at the start of each project in order to ensure they are realistic, and to allow identification of a suitable delivery date)
- The support of activities to strengthen the inter-WG-collaboration should be funded by the NSC-coordination action
- The community should have the possibility to propose new WGs as the field develops in certain directions and then the SG would discuss and decide whether to accommodate changes to the cluster structure
- WGs can request secretarial support from the CT including putting information on the NSC website and arrange email distribution lists to enable contacting members of a WG.
To find out more about each Working Group please follow the respective link below.