The 8th INISS-nano webmeeting will take place on 18 December 2024 from 10:00-12:00 CET.
- Welcome and general update [Alexander Pogany/BMK, Andreas Falk/BNN]
- “Commercialization of nanofertilizers in India, exporting to other countries, and challenges” [Pushplata Singh/TERI]
- “The OECD concept and experiences of the Mutual acceptance of data (MAD)-system” [Eeva Leinala/OECD]
- Update on progress of actions in the pillars [pillar leaders/action leaders]
- Update on the status of the UNESCO UNITWIN “WiseNanoWorld” – application [Fernand Doridot/ICAM]
- Recap on 7th EU-Asia-Dialogue [Helme Helan/MOSTI] and proposal for 8th EU-Asia-Dialogue [Patricia Farias/UFPE
- Planning of next activities and any other business [Andreas Falk/BNN]
The entire NSC community can attend the INISS-nano webmeeting. To dial-in just click on this link: INISS-nano-TEAMS-Meeting