The promotion of research and innovation globally through international partnerships is a strategic priority for both the NanoSafety Cluster and the European Union. Such partnerships are facilitated through the EU’s Horizon 2020 framework, which is fully open to participants from across the world. The promoted actions cover collaborations in research and innovation projects, networking between projects, joint or coordinated calls and specific joint initiatives.
The gains from such collaborations are translated in:
- access to the latest knowledge and the best talent worldwide
- together tackling global scientific and societal challenges more effectively
- to create of business opportunities in the EU and new and emerging markets
- science diplomacy becoming an influential instrument of external policy for all involved parties
The NSC focuses in leading the way in global research nanosafety partnerships and tackle scientific and societal challenges in areas like health, the environment, food, energy and water, infrastructure, safer-by-design etc. The NSC believes that such challenges can be best dealt with via global multilateral initiatives and joined solutions, and also through FAIR sharing of knowledge and information. Â These multilateral initiatives are important to address EU commitments to international objectives like the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, COP21 or the WHO Resolutions, to reduce the global burden and pool resources for better results with greater impact.
Science and Technology can be instrumental in influencing and improving international relations and stability, opening channels of communication and building trust. Internationally agreed solid scientific advice and technical information is also essential for anticipating needs and events and for making informed, forward-looking policy decisions.
The ambition towards global collaboration shall be put into reality as described in the concept paper for the “International Network Initiative on Safe and Sustainable Nanotechnologies” (INISS-nano)”. This concept paper (ZENODO/DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7877359) shall prepare the ecosystem for global collaboration in selected fields of action (see pillars within the document), enabling “collaboration without borders” within joint projects, joint funding initiatives, and any further way of cooperation.