Webinar on “Reflections on the Precautionary Principle”, 9 Oct 2023, 14-15 p.m. CET

You are invited to attend the webinar “Reflections on the Precautionary Principle as an Insturment against Environmental Degradation” on 9 October 2023 from 14:00-15:00 CET. by Guillermo Foladori Main public policy instruments for dealing with toxic chemicals. Reductionist and Contextual approaches Normal and post-normal science Cause-effect and the principle of replicability in science Dr. Guillermo…

NanoMonitor Training Webinar – New Tools to Support the Sampling, Monitoring and Analysis of the Concentration of Nanomaterials in Workplaces and Urban Areas

About  The main objective of this Webinar is to train attendees on the use of the tools developed under the LIFE project NanoMONITOR to support the characterisation of the potential exposure to nanomaterials in workplaces and urban environments. The NanoMONITOR project develops a real-time information and monitoring system to support the risk assessment of nanomaterials…

SmartNanoTox Webinar on respiratory toxicity pathways for nanomaterials

Join the SmartNanoTox project on 29 November to discover the smart approach to understand respiratory toxicity pathways for nanomaterials. The project brings together in silico, in vivo and in vitro methods, linked to systems biology, to create a practical set of tests and intelligent QSARS for materials producers. This open webinar presents project aims, scientific…