Test Guideline No. 126: Determination of the Hydrophobicity Index of Nanomaterials Through an Affinity Measurement

Test Guideline No. 126: Determination of the Hydrophobicity Index of Nanomaterials Through an Affinity Measurement You are invited to join the webinar on Test Guideline No. 126: Determination of the Hydrophobicity Index of Nanomaterials Through an Affinity Measurement that will be held on Wednesday 20 September at 14:00-15:30 CEST / 08:00 – 09:30 EDT. The…

NMBP-15 workshop: Towards industrial application of the SSbD approach, 22 Sept 2023, Rome

The safety and sustainability of chemicals and materials and their applications are a cornerstone of current EU policy and industrial strategies.Frameworks and criteria for practical implementation of SSBD approaches have been published by the OECD, European Commission, andindustrial actors, such as CEFIC. These will increasingly become premium aspects to access funding and contracts and are…

MaterialWeek 2024, 17-21 June 2024, Limassol, Cyprus

The MaterialWeek will take place in CrownPlaza Hotel in Limassol, Cyprus from 17th – 21st June 2024. The next good opportunity to strengthen the collaboration and strengthen the community is the MaterialWeek 2024. The event is organised by 5 sister projects on „characterisation and visualisation“ (HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-35: Advanced characterisation methodologies to assess and predict the health and…

Impressions from the 12th NanoSafety Training School

Impressions from the 12th NanoSafety Training School on Safe and Sustainable by Design Approaches for Chemicals, Advanced Materials & Plastics Nurturing International Collaboration to Advance Research for a More Sustainable Future For yet another consecutive year, a vibrant community of young researchers and experienced experts from various disciplines met in the historical centre of Venice…

Impressions of nanoSAFE2023

Last week, from 5th to 9th June, the joint conference of nanoSAFE 2023 and NanoSafety Cluster took place in Grenoble (France). This eighth edition of the international conference on health and safety issues for the socially responsible use of nanomaterials, organized by CEA, brought together international experts on various topics with the main objective of…

EC4SafeNano Day

The overall objective of the EC4SafeNano project is to develop distributed Centre of European organisations for Risk Management and Safe Innovation for Nanomaterials & Nanotechnologies. The operational objectives are therefore: To understand the needs of the various stakeholders. To identify the resources and capabilities available inside/outside the consortium to address the stakeholder needs. To provide…

Workshop on Blueprint for Nanosafety Platform Development & Sustainability

The BNP-DS workshop will be organised on 5 November 2018 in Grenoble, France from 13h to 15h. It will be one of the satellite meetings of the nanoSAFE 2018 conference. This workshop is being organised within the framework of EU H2020 funded project EC4SafeNano and is a first step towards the development of EU-wide network of nanosafety platforms. During…

EC4SafeNano Workshop: Blueprint for NanoSafety Platform Development & Sustainability

EC4SafeNano Workshop Blueprint for NanoSafety Platform Development & Sustainability  Monday 5th November 2018 at NANOSAFE 2018 conference, Grenoble, France H2020 EC4SafaNano Project organises a Workshop on Blueprint for Nanosafety Platform Development & Sustainability Workshop during the 6th NanoSafe Conference to taka plece at Grenoble, France. The workshop will take place on Monday 5th of November 2018.…