SmartNanoTox Webinar on respiratory toxicity pathways for nanomaterials

Join the SmartNanoTox project on 29 November to discover the smart approach to understand respiratory toxicity pathways for nanomaterials. The project brings together in silico, in vivo and in vitro methods, linked to systems biology, to create a practical set of tests and intelligent QSARS for materials producers. This open webinar presents project aims, scientific…

15th International Conference and Exhibition on Nanomedicine and Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology

15th International Conference and Exhibition on Nanomedicine and Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology March 18-19, 2019 at Paris, France   NanoPharma 2019 organizes highly notable conferences throughout the globe. Currently we are bringing forth “15th International Conference and Exhibition on Nanomedicine and Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology” (NanoPharma 2019) scheduled to be held during March 18-19, 2019 at Paris, France. The…

First BIORIMA Stakeholders Workshop

First BIORIMA Stakeholders Workshop Date: November 6th, 2018 Location: Valencia, Spain Main Topic: RISK MANAGEMENT OF NANO(BIO)MATERIALS USED IN MEDICAL DEVICES AND ADVANCED THERAPY MEDICINAL PRODUCTS  Nanotechnology raises high expectations in healthcare applications such as nano-enabled Medical Devices (MDs) and Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs), in particular to to rapidly advance the efficacy of imaging,…

H2020 GRACIOUS: All stakeholders invited to provide feedback on the Draft Framework

Dear NanoSafety Cluster members, The H2020 project GRACIOUS is developing a Framework to support the grouping and read-across of nanomaterials for regulators and industry. The full version of the Framework description can be accessed here, as well as a shorter executive summary here. We would be grateful if members of the NanoSafetyCluster would participate in the following survey in…

Nanotechnologies: AFNOR and CEN to attend the 3rd European conference in Brussels

A 3rd open meeting on standardization for nanotechnologies and nanomaterials for safer products, production and uses is organized on 2 October 2018 in Brussels, by CEN/TC 352, for which AFNOR holds the secretariat. Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials contribute to the development of innovative new products and services in various fields (example: information storage, electronics, cosmetics to…

NSC Compendium 2014

NSC Compendium 2014 This is the fifth edition of the Nanosafety Cluster compendium. It documents the status of important EU-funded projects on nanomaterial toxicity and exposure monitoring, integrated risk management, research infrastructure and coordination and support activities as well as regulatory-focussed research on nanosafety. The compendium is not intended to be a guidance document for…

NSC Compendium 2013

NSC Compendium 2013 This is the fourth edition of the Nanosafety Cluster compendium. It documents the status of important projects on nanomaterial toxicity and exposure monitoring, integrated risk management, research infrastructure and coordination and support activities. The compendium is not intended to be a guidance document for human health and environmental safety management of nanotechnologies,…