JRC Workshop on Safe and Sustainable Smart Nanomaterials

The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (RTD) will jointly organise a Workshop on Safe and Sustainable Smart Nanomaterials in Ispra (Italy) on 24-25 March 2020. The workshop is focused on smart (responsive, multi-functional) nanomaterials, as such or embedded in products, which are developed for application in industrial sectors such…

JRC Science for Policy report: An overview of concepts and terms used in the European Commission’s definition of nanomaterial

The JRC Science for Policy report has been published: An overview of concepts and terms used in the European Commission’s definition of nanomaterial, followed by the related news https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/news/getting-specific-about-nanomaterials This report supports the implementation of the European Commission’s Recommendation on a definition of nanomaterial (2011/696/EU). It addresses its key concepts and terms and discusses them…