14th International Conference on Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials, September 2019, Vienna, Austria

14th International Conference on Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials 1-4 September 2019, Vienna, Austria The 14th International Conference on Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials – ICEENN 2019, is the leading international conference on environmental nanoscience. ICEENN brings together researchers, industry and regulators to discuss recent advances in our understanding of the fate and behavior of nanomaterials, their…

12th International Particle Toxicology Conference, September 2019, Salzburg, Austria

11-13 September 2019, Salzburg, Austria An intensive exchange is provided by the programme scheme of IPTC 2019: 2.5 days of oral/poster presentations and exhibition. Plenary sessions will open the conference days. Outstanding experts will address key topics. All posters will be displayed permanently during the whole conference in the networking area and the trade exhibition…

Industrial Technologies 2018

The “INDustrial TECHnologies – Innovative industries for smart growth conference” will give stakeholders the opportunity to discuss the future of EU industry and related EU’s research & innovation activities. The event will combine keynote presentations, discussions, a matchmaking event, fish-bowls, world cafés and an exhibition on new industrial applications for research on Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials,…