NSC Meeting – Grenoble 2016

NSC MeetingGrenoble, 2016 Wednesday, November 9th, 2016 Minutes from the meeting are available here. Presentations: Savolainen: How FIOH has coordinated NSC Katalagarianakis: What the EC expects from NSC and risk governance Falk: How to develop the coordination of the NSC Cassee: How to develop the coordination of the NSC Lynch & Valsami-Jones: How to develop the coordination of the NSC Svendsen: How…

NSC Meeting – Stockholm 2016

NSC MeetingStockholm, 2016 Wednesday, September 14th, 2016 Minutes from the meeting are available here. Presentations: Closer to the Market Roadmap Nanobioinformatics Roadmap Integrating the roadmaps and updating the Research Roadmap (Strategic Research Agenda) Task Force on Safety: draft conclusions for HLG Sustainability Task Force (TF): Nanoinformatics and data resource sustainability Open Data & NSC activivites WG1…