Great opportunity to present your work in different sessions at SETAC Europe 2025 (11-15 May 2025, Vienna, Austria)
Session 6.04 – “Methods and Tools Enabling Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) Strategies”
- Session Chairs: Barry Hardy (Edelweiss Connect), Bernd Nowack (Empa), Maja Halling (IVL), Zhanyun Wang (Empa)
- Information about the session:
- Contributions that either show how existing methods and tools for safety and sustainability can be used within an SSbD assessment, or that present the development of new methods and tools are particularly welcome.
- Session talks covering one or more of the above methodology areas (see details in the sesion description) should ideally demonstrate their application in practical case studies, including more challenging ones of industrial and societal impact where decisions on advanced formulations, materials or polymers (including “greener non-regrettable substitution) need to be made.
Session 6.05 – “Challenges in Implementing Holistic SSbD Approaches to Chemicals and Materials: What Do Academia, Industry, Regulators and Policymakers Propose?”
- Session Chairs: Alberto Katsumiti (GAIKER Technology Centre), Irantzu Garmendia (EC JRC, Ispra), Michael Saidani (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)), Arianna Livieri (GreenDecision)
- Information about the session:
- Contributions are invited to address:
- Challenges and approaches to overcome obstacles in SSbD implementation;
- Development and application of NAMs, computational models and other tools for safety and sustainability assessment of chemicals and materials;
- Methodologies to integrate safety, environmental, sustainability, social and economic assessment designed to cover the different stages of life cycle of chemicals and materials;
- Approaches for engaging stakeholders to gather their perspectives, concerns, viewpoints, and preferences;
- Lessons learned from application of SSbD framework in real-life industrial case studies.
Session 6.15 – “From Nanomaterials to Advanced Materials: Challenges and Progress in Research, Industrial Application and Regulation”
- Session Chairs: Wim De Coen (ECHA), Kai B. Paul (Blue Frog), Wendel Wohlleben (BASF), Richard Cross (UKCEH)
- Information about the session:
- This session highlights the multifaceted approach required for managing NMs and AdMa and presentations are welcomed with regard to:
- Hazard & Risk Assessment: Methodologies & tools for NMs and AdMa hazards and risks; case studies & research findings with focus on in vitro, in chemico and in silico NAMs
- Regulatory Challenges & Progress: Current state of chemical legislation and regulatory frameworks discussing challenges on regulatory compliance for regulatory bodies and industry, focus on AdMa
- Industrial Applications: Utilisation of NMs & AdMa across various industries (e.g. consumer products, agrochemicals); environmental policy and risk management implications
- Risk Management (RM): Compare prospective RM (predicting effects and exposure) with retrospective RM (monitoring and mitigating effects); proposed best practices and innovative approaches
- Communication Tools & Strategies: Effective science communication to convey research findings on NMs and AdMa to all stakeholders (including consumers); successful dissemination strategies and tools
Abstract submission deadline 20th November.
Submit your abstract here: