The caLIBRAte ( project has been working during the first half of 2018 on testing a number of risk governance models with stakeholders and getting feedback on them. As one of its main goals, caLIBRAte is looking to establish a risk governance framework to allow people to assess and manage human and environmental risks of manufactured nanomaterials (MN) and nano enabled products. An important foundation of the framework will be a number of tested models that can be combined with an understanding of stakeholders’ needs to provide a framework that will go beyond existing REACH tools and be available as a system-of-systems that can be used by all stakeholders for risk assessment, prioritisation and the management of risks associated with the production or use of MNs.
An important task within caLIBRAte has been the testing of models with stakeholders both in physical events and through a number of webinars. The webinars on the following models are now available at
• Swiss Precautionary Matrix
• SimpleBox4Nano
• StoffenmanagerNano and Licara Nanoscan
• GuideNano
The webinars provide a good introduction to the risk governance tools and how they can be used within an organisation to help manage NM risks. They are especially aimed at industrial stakeholders who have the need of managing risks either as a producer or use of NMs.