Data collection, methods optimisation and knowledge sharing
The ACEnano knowledge warehouse (KW) supports the activities related to data collection and method optimisation in ACEnano (Horizon 2020 Project no. 720952) and aims to further disseminate this knowledge to the nanosafety community in a re-usable format. Overall, ACEnano aims to introduce confidence, adaptability and clarity into nanomaterial risk assessment by developing a widely implementable and robust tiered approach to nanomaterials physicochemical characterisation.
The KW includes multiple instances (protocols, data and dissemination) to optimally accommodate the requirements of the different data types (e.g. raw, processed data and protocols). The protocols database facilitates the addition, sharing and comparing of methods in a questionnaire-like format that guides the user through the documentation process from sample identification and description to the preparation, measurement and data processing. Storing protocols in a structured way rather than in an open text format allows for an easier comparison of the experimental design and how these affect the final results. Further, the data warehouse offers long-term storage of the results that are directly linked to the methods applied. Therefore, the ACEnano KW provides a central place to access harmonised and standardised methods applied for physicochemical characterisation of nanomaterials, supporting the implementation of Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) data principles, the reproducibility and documentation process towards the goal of generating reference resources for nanomaterials risk assessment.
These tasks are done in the context of WP4 of ACEnano (Linking ontology and methodology), lead by Douglas Connect GmbH (DC, Switzerland). The work is performed in close collaboration with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU, Sweden) and benefits from active contribution and feedback from ACEnano partners and laboratories performing measurements on the physicochemical properties of nanomaterials.
Support to the implementation FAIR data principles
The functionalities of the KW supports the implementation of Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) data principles, the reproducibility and documentation process towards the goal of generating reference resources for nanomaterials risk assessment.
The protocols section facilitates access and sharing of methodology applied in nanosafety, starting with nanomaterials characterisation protocols developed or optimised within the ACEnano project. The experimental datasets of nanomaterials characterisation is stored together with relevant metadata pertaining to sample preparation, the measurement, and the data treatment. The resulting measured value and its metadata will give as complete information as possible so that possibilities of future use of the measured value is maximised.
The data warehouse is offering long-term storage in a re-usable format of data produced by the ACEnano project or provided by the nanosafety community.
The dissemination section supports the collection of publications and events related to the project and facilitates sharing of information between ACEnano partners as well as further dissemination in the scientific community and the general public.
The ACEnano Knowledge Warehouse address is (currently the access is enabled to ACEnano partners only, but a public instance is planned to be released also in the near future).