NSC Scientific Meeting

Dear Colleagues,
The next EU NanoSafety Cluster Scientific Meeting, organised with the help and in coordination with the 30-month NanoFASE Consortium Meeting (19-21 March 2018) took place at the Royal Olympic Hotel in Athens, Greece in March 22-23 2018. The meeting was followed by the Greek NanoSafety Platform launching event on 23 March 2018.
The Scientific meeting included updates on the progress, current and future activities of the current NSC Working Groups (WGs) and active Task Forces (TFs). It also included a session of scientific presentations organised by the WGs and TFs on topics of interest to the wider NSC community. On 22 March 2018, the WG Chairs, or their representatives, presented an update on the WG activities since December 2014, which will form the basis of the Horizon 2020 (H2020) NSC midterm review to be completed by the end of May 2018. The sessions were also attended by two external independent reviewers Dr Sally Tinkle (IDA/Science and Technology Policy Institute, USA) and Dr Pedro Silva (TecMinho, Portugal).
The meeting’s agenda including the links to the presentations can be found here.
For further information please contact either Anastasios (Tassos) Papadiamantis (A.Papadiamantis@bham.ac.uk) or Thomas (Tom) Carney (T.Carney@bham.ac.uk).