NSC Meeting
Wednesday, April 23th, 2014; 9:00-13:00
Notes from the meeting are available here.
Session I (9:00-10:45) Chair Kai Savolainen
9:00-9:05 Opening and introduction of the NSC Steering Group (Kai Savolainen)
9:05-9:10 Welcome (Nicolas Segebarth)
9:10-10:15 WG activities; roadmaps and deliverables (WG chairs)
9:10-9:20 WG1 Sergio Moya (CIC biomaGUNE)
9:20-9:30 WG2 Flemming Cassee (RIVM)
9:30-9:40 WG3 Derk Brouwer (TNO)
9:40-9:50 WG4 Egon Willighagen (Maastricht University)
9:50-10:00 WG5 Lang Tran (IOM)
10:00-10:10 WG6 Robert Rallo (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
10:10-10:20 WG7 Lesley Tobin (Institute of Nanotechnology)
WG7 Standardisation sub-group – Benoît Hazebrouck
10:20-10:30 WG8 Bengt Fadeel (Karolinska Institute)
10:30-10:45 Coffee break
Session II (10:45-13:00) Chair Nicolas Segebarth
10:45-10:55 Nanosafety Cluster review (Iseult Lynch, University of Birmingham)
10:55-11:05 Regulatory research roadmap (Vicky Stone, Heriot-Watt University)
11:05-11:15 Market of Nanosafety research roadmap (Kai Savolainen, FIOH)
11:15-11:35 Nanotoxicity and nanosafety; the nanomedicine’s perspective (Adriele Prina-Mello, ETP-N)
11:35-11:55 eNanoMapper (Barry Hardy, Douglas Connect)
11:55-12:15 TITNT (Jean-Francois Damlencourt, CEA)
12:15-12:35 NanoDiode (Hildo Krop, IVAM)
12:35-12:59 Any other business, next meeting(s)
13:00 Close