Nanosafety Training School: From Basic Science To Risk Governance
This year the Venice Nano Training School celebrates its 10th anniversary. The event will take place in San Servolo (Venice, Italy) on 22nd – 27th March 2020.
The School will feature keynote speeches, hands-on sessions and a dedicated Young Scientist Forum Day (23rd March) during which early career researchers (PhD students, PhD candidates and Post-Docs) will have the opportunity to present their work. Abstract submissions will open on 10th of December 2019.
The School week will include a variety of hands-on sessions aimed to transfer state-of-the-art knowledge on a variety of topics from key experts to the new generation of nano-environmental, health and safety, and biomedicine professionals, using interprofessional education.
A variety of networking activities (a special 10th anniversary welcome cocktail, social event and a social dinner) will enable plenty of time and opportunities for you to widen your network and foster academic exchange.
Registration and abstract submission opens on 10th December 2019
Abstract submission closes on 17th January 2020
Notification of accepted abstracts: 30th January 2020
Deadline for registrations: 20th February 2020
School Certificates
Each participant will be given a Certificate of attendance upon request
To learn more about the training school click here.