The Spring School on “Applications and Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials: New Technological Approaches and Regulatory Aspects”, will be held in the Monferrato Region, Alessandria, Italy from 22nd to 24th May, 2019 (noon to noon), and is co-organized by NANOGENTOOLS, NanoCommons and SOLUTION H2020 projects.
The Spring School will include lectures on Nanosafety given by members of the three EU projects dealing with nanosafety and nanomaterials NANOGENTOOLS, SOLUTION, and NanoCommons and by expert invited speakers, such as Prof. Alberto Bianco, member of the Executive Board of the Graphene Flagship and Dr. Ruth Moeller, member of the REACH & CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg.
Students and researchers attending the School will have the possibility to actively participate in the event, by presenting their research in a “Pitch and Networking event” and by participating on a hands-on session on data management organised by NanoCommons.
The information and registration to the event can be accessed through the following link: