April 16, 2015
While many processing routes are being developed for the production of nanoparticulate (NP) materials and products in which
these are integrated or otherwise used, the environmental impact of NP production and NP-containing material production is often unknown,
undocumented and largely unregulated.
To come to a comparison of production routes and NP-based products, the use of energy and the efficiency of that use during NP-based material production and,
for a wider perspective, life cycle assessment (LCA) were recognised to be tools that can quantify the benefits of process routes and products.
Combined with economic factors this will allow for ranking NP production routes and NP-based materials based on both sustainability and economic viability.
Discussing the possibilities, strengths and weaknesses of this is the goal of this one-day workshop.
The workshop is an activity of the EU FP7 project « BUONAPART-E » - Better upscaling and optimization of nanoparticle and nanostructure production by means of electrical discharges.
Target group
Researchers from academia and the private sector involved with nanotechnology, nanoparticulate process and product development
and application fields of nanoparticles like textiles, composites, solar cells, photonics or catalysis.
Especially participants of other EU projects (e.g., FP7) are welcomed, aiming at developing future cooperation within EU-funded frameworks.
Thursday 16 April 2015*, 8.45 – 15.45
Ă…bo Akademi University
“Axelia II”
Piispankatu 8
20500 Turku, Finland
Lecture room “Ringbom”
Read more here.