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October 14, 2014 – October 17, 2014
The International Conference on "Safe and Sustainable Nanotechnology" is to be held on 14th-17th October 2014 in Phitsanulok, Thailand, in conjunction with the 4th German-Thai Symposium on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
The event will be organised by Naresuan University and the National Nanotechnology Centre with support from the Royal Thai Embassy, Berlin, and the German-Thai Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Network (GTSNN).
The conference aims to communicate and distribute knowledge on cutting edge research in the field of Nanotechnology.
The conference will aim to focus on a wide variety of topics, including:
•Environmental nanotechnology;
•Bionanotechnology and biomaterials;
•Characterisation of nanostructure;
•Nanosafety, nanotoxicology and health related issues.
Further information is available from the conference website.