June 30, 2020
The NanoSafety Cluster WG A and Dissemination Group jointly present the webinar "CDC work on association of occupational exposure with ex vivo functional immune response in workers handling carbon nanotubes and nanofibers" by Aaron Erdely and his team from the US CDC at June 30, 15 h CEST.
Speakers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Matthew Dahm – CNT/F exposure assessment
- Aaron Erdely – Occupational exposure and immune effects
- Mary K. Schubauer-Berigan – Cross-sectional evaluation of CNT/F workers
The study objective was to evaluate the association between carbon nanotube and nanofiber (CNT/F) exposure and ex vivo responses of whole blood challenged with secondary stimulants in a cross-sectional study of 102 workers.
Multi-day exposure was measured by CNT/F structure count (SC) and elemental carbon (EC) air concentrations. Whole blood collected from each participant was incubated with and without two microbial stimulants (lipopolysaccharide/LPS and staphylococcal enterotoxin type B/SEB) using TruCulture technology to evaluate immune cell activity.
The stimulant:null response ratio for each individual protein was analyzed using multiple linear regression, followed by principal component (PC) analysis to determine whether patterns of protein response were related to CNT/F exposure.
CNT/F exposure metrics were significantly inversely associated with stimulant:null ratios of several individual biomarkers as well as PC1 and PC2, illustrating a reduced immune response. This approach may present a relatively sensitive method to evaluate human response to CNT/F or other occupational exposures.
To register please click here.
Best regards,
Martin Himly
Chair of NSC WG A