All day
December 16, 2014
Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials have been identified as a Key Enabling Technologies (KETs). A European mandate M461 for developing standardization activities on numerous topics is under way as well as European regulations under preparation that affect several sectors.
An Open meeting is organised by CEN/TC 352 "Nanotechnologies" in collaboration with CEN CENELEC and the European Commission (EC) on 16 DECEMBER 2014 in Brussels (venue will be defined later on).
The aim is to introduce and clarify the context of the standardization work within the European mandate, the link with international work on current and future activities of various Technical Committees concerned by the nanotechnologies.
Based on examples from industry, this open meeting will debate on the added-value and challenges of the standardization regarding this cross-sectorial topics and will address the regulation in Europe in collaboration with EC representatives.
With a view to facilitate the exchange of information, the main TCs involved will disseminate their preliminary results, methodologies and their best practices as developed so far. "Poster sessions on standards under preparation" will allow a direct dialogue between participants and experts for a more beneficial and fruitful exchange.
The discussion will also be focused on research activities explained by EC representatives involved in Horizon 2020.
The conference is intended to engage practitioners, researchers and policy makers in a dialogue on future trends and foresight activities for nanotechnologies and nanomaterials.
Please find attached some information and the subjects, which will be discussed, but note that the finalized programme and venue will be circulated later on.
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