International Conference on:
Safety and Risk Governance of Manufactured Nanomaterials in South-East Europe and Black Sea Region
27-28 June 2019, Constanta, Romania
Nanotechnologies have rapidly promoted the development of a new generation of smart and innovative products and processes, and have created a tremendous growth potential for a large number of industry sectors. Nanotechnologies and engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) already have had a major impact on electronics, coatings, construction, food technology, the design of new materials such as nanocellulose applications, telecommunication, environmental technologies, medical technologies and drug development, nano-biocide applications and energy production as well as new agriculture, water purification systems and the utilization of solar energy among others.
Nanomaterials and nanotechnology applications have also created some concerns about their possible effects on human health and safety and environmental burden. Even though there is increasing amount of information of the hazard potential on several nanomaterials, there is a dramatic lack of systematic, and especially relevant, information on the potential hazards associated with these materials.
The event aims to offer a framework for free debates facilitating the exchange of ideas and knowledge in order to identify new directions to be followed for conceiving the policies addressing the safety and risk governance of manufactured nanomaterials in the EU.
At the event, there will be invited decision makers, government representatives, members of parliament, representatives of local authorities, academics, students, experts in the field, ambassadors and representatives of diplomatic missions of EU and neighbouring countries and other international organizations, journalists.
More information and a tentative agenda can be found here.
The registration form can be downloaded here