The overall objective of the EC4SafeNano project is to develop distributed Centre of European organisations for Risk Management and Safe Innovation for Nanomaterials & Nanotechnologies. The operational objectives are therefore:
- To understand the needs of the various stakeholders.
- To identify the resources and capabilities available inside/outside the consortium to address the stakeholder needs.
- To provide solutions and build a range of services.
- To develop mechanisms and operating procedures.
- To test and benchmark the services.
- To develop a sound exploitation plan and business plan.
The project is structured around core project partners and an enlarged community of associate partners (APs). The main objective of the open focus network is to design subject-specific focus groups. The Focus Network is accessible to everyone upon becoming a registered member by joining as an associated partner.
EC4SafeNano Day will be organised as satellite meeting during nanoSAFE 2018. The event consists of three workshops:
- Establishment and operation of Focus Network, EC4SafeNano
- Blueprint for Nanosafety Platform Development & Sustainability – BNP-DS
- Overcoming barriers to making data FAIR – integrating data management into data generation workflows-a joint workshop with H2020 NanoCommons
Registration is now open and further details on the agenda can be found here.