The NSC acknowledges the need for openness and global collaborations to tackle important scientific issues, making such approaches cross-cutting priorities for Horizon 2020 projects. This is why the NSC has adopted the EU’s strategy for international cooperation in research and innovation. The strategy is driven by the importance of cooperating internationally to:
- for Europe to gain access to the best talent, knowledge and resources wherever they are located;
- tackle global societal challenges in the most effective way in a partnership approach;
- help establish new opportunities for European high-tech industries through participation in global value chains and access to new and emerging markets;
- have a leading voice in global debates and developments.
The NSC and Horizon 2020 are Open to the World. This means that participants from all over the world, regardless of their place of establishment or residence, can participate in most of the calls of Horizon 2020. In many cases, the EU will fund at least partly the participation of the international partners.
In addition to this general openness, several topics strongly encourage or require cooperationwith non-EU partners in collaborative projects, target a certain country/region or refer to global initiatives, like the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases or the Belmont Forum.
The NSC projects have taken advantage of this approach and have partnered with top rated global Institutes and stakeholders to promote nanosafety research. You can see below current NSC projects with established international partnerships.
If you are a European or International stakeholder that would like to find out about relevant opportunities please get in touch with the NSC via