The EU – South Korea dialogue was initiated in 2011 and the latest meeting was held at the University of Birmingham’s Brussels office on January 2017. The 6th annual EU-Korea Nano Workshop was attended by high profile scientists from NSC’s H2020 projects and their South Korean counterparts. The EU delegation, presented project outcomes and provided ideas for potential collaborations.
The Korea delegation including the Ministry of Science and ICT and the National Nanotechnology Centre presented updates on items including:
- National Nanotechnology Initiative Programme of Korea
- Activities from the Centre for Nanosafety Metrology
- High throughput screening for toxicity using 3D cells
- Predictability of mixture toxicity from engineered particles
- Korean government plan for enhancing data driven materials research in Korea
- Machine learning prediction prediction of electronic properties for double perovskites
To know more or get involved with the EU NSC – South Africa dialogue please contact ‘Eva Valsami-Jones at, Flemming Cassee at or Tae Hyun Yoon at