The NSC and the EU are dedicated in developing and sustaining links of all kinds (societal, scientific, regulatory, business oriented etc.) with nations globally. The NSC acknowledges that scientific cooperation is one of the best ways to achieve that and works hard to achieve these goals and raise awareness among the scientific community in third countries on EU values, visions and priorities.
Global partnerships are also the best way forward to increase the quality of research and promote innovation, which is acknowledged with the Horizon 2020 framework, but still needs to be mainstreamed to achieve the best possible results. This is why, the NSC works closely with the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the European Commission (EC) to reach and build relevant, ambitious and genuine relations with third countries and strengthen the NSC’s, and thus the EU’s, excellence and focus in Research and Innovation (R&I) and industrial competitiveness and adapt to a rapidly evolving globalising environment.
The NSC’s actions aim at developing a global nanosafety scientific network, engulfing all stakeholders (academia, industry, regulators, policy makers etc.) in the EU neighbourhood and through strategic partnerships with countries in the Americas, Asia, Africa and the Ocean Pacific. To achieve this, the NSC is initiating and sustaining a sincere and open dialogue with third countries (e.g. South Korea and South Africa) and regional bodies (e.g. Asia Nano Forum, ANF) through expert scientific delegations and partnerships.
See below for the past and upcoming NSC Delegations. If you cannot see your country/organisation below and you would like to establish a collaboration with the NSC, please contact the NSC at