SAbyNA Survey open until 30 June 2023

The SAbyNA survey of community perceptions of SSbD is open through Friday 30 June. The Venice and Grenoble workshops proved its interest – we just need more data to reveal the lurking effects!  Please add your view to the survey now – and if you’re already “in”, please urge one colleague (best: industrial or regulatory)…

NanoExplore project successfully concluded its mission

The NanoExplore Project has successfully concluded its mission!   We are happy to share with you the achievements of the NanoExplore Project. The final project newsletter is out! Download our newsletter here.   NanoExplore project deliverables are open to the public now! The executive summaries of NanoExplore’s deliverables are now available on the project website,…

Exciting news about CHARISMA project

CHARISMA has an abundance of exciting news to share with you!   The CHARISMA Raman School 2022 in Turin was a resounding success! Considering the extraordinary amount of positive feedback we have been receiving from our participants, we are proud to say that our school successfully carried out its objectives. The CHARISMA Project, being the…

SbD4Nano project update

SbD4Nano set out to develop a novel software infrastructure, an “e-infrastructure”, to foster dialogue and collaboration between actors along the nanotechnology supply chain. Our project is currently making considerable progress in the case studies necessary to validate this e-infrastructure, and working towards enabling the reduction of hazard and exposure while satisfying functionality for intended uses…

The new BNN NEWSLETTER 04/2020 is out and available for download now

  Dear ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to inform you that the BNN NEWSLETTER 04/2020 is available for download now: Besides scientific contributions from our BioNanoNet members, reports about projects and activities and an overview of interesting publications, we kindly highlight the presentations of our BioNanoNet members BIOMAX Informatics AG and Prospective Instruments…

NanoFabNet Survey on Validation, Harmonisation and Standardisation Feedback

The International Hub for Sustainable Fabrication of Industrial-Scale Nano Fabrication – NanoFabNet Hub – is an H2020 initiative which aims to bring together all the expertise, means/infrastructures & information to support sustainable nanofabrication at industrial scale, by making them accessible via a Single Entry Point, and deploying services for which an expression of need will have been made by various interested stakeholders.…

BNN NEWS 02/2020 availabe for download now!

Dear ladies and gentlemen, we would like to inform you that the BNN Newsletter 02/2020 is available for download now. Besides scientific contributions from our BioNanoNet members, reports about projects and activities and an overview of interesting publications, we kindly highlight the presentation about our BioNanoNet member ams AG. Enjoy reading our BNN newsletter! Sincerely,…