ACCORDS project updates

Here are some updates of ACCORDS project: After 20 months of execution, the project has achieved a wide range of results and is progressing in all their activities, from synthesis to characterisation techniques involving physicochemical and biological behaviour of Graphene Family Materials. The project is working in the development of a Knowledge Infrastructure where access…

SUNRISE project updates

Here are some updates of SUNRISE project: Full Interview with Danail Hristozov about SUNRISE project and Integrated Impact Assessment Framework: SUNRISE Case Studies: Download our informative leaflets: SUNRISE Work Packages are now available:

SUNSHINE Project Newsletter is out

Here is the latest updates from SUNSHINE project. This issue also aims to highlight the remarkable events in which SUNSHINE has been actively involved and those that are on our horizon. Enjoy reading DOWNLOAD NEWSLETTER   Contact for Press: Besa Maliqi Syla:

CHARISMA Project Newsletter is out

This January’s newsletter highlights the NMBP-35 Joint Workshop, CEN Workshop on Raman devices, CHARISMA Raman School at ICORS 2024, recent publications, project updates, an interview with Monica Calatayud, and insights from CHARISMA project meetings. Download NEWSLETTER Enjoy reading!   Contact for Press: Cathrin Cailliau: Yasemin Ertugrul:

Project NOVA “Next Generation BiOactiVe NAnocoatings” launched

Next Generation BiOactiVe NAnocoatings – NOVA Scientists and industry unite to develop the next generation of antimicrobial coating technologies to provide safer environments The transmission of pathogenic microorganisms can happen rapidly with catastrophic and long-term consequences. The growing consequence of antibiotic resistance, and the constant reduction in efficacy of antibiotics is now a global concern.…

Report about SABYDOMA’s 2nd Legal Workshop on S[S]bD

On Monday 5th June 2023, the EU H2020 project SABYDOMA organised its 2nd Legal Workshop on Safe-by-Design (SbD), on the first day of the nanoSAFE2023 conference in Grenoble, France. While the by-design paradigm now seems to be integrated into regulatory policies, legal challenges have yet to be addressed. This workshop is the first to focus on potential liability issues…

Report about the HARMLESS workshop on “SSbD for SMEs: Advanced Materials in Product Development”

HARMLESS workshop on “Safe-and-Sustainable by Design (SSbD) for SMEs: Advanced Materials in Product Development” On 25th May 2023, the H2020 project HARMLESS organised a virtual workshop on “Safe-and-Sustainable by Design (SSbD) for SMEs: Advanced Materials in Product Development” with the main aim to present to the audience the HARMLESS SSbD framework and the corresponding Decision Support System (DSS), which provides…

NanoPAT Newsletter #06 available

Welcome to our sixth newsletter. We warmly thank you for subscribing to our bi-yearly newsletters. We are happy to share with you our highlights, presenting our partners, sharing our news and keeping you up-to-date with our developments and informing you about where you can meet us! Feel free to share our newsletter within your own networks. Do…