NanoWeek & NanoCommons Final Conference, Cyprus, 20-24 June 2022

The NanoCommons EU Project consortium, in collaboration with the EU NanoSafety Cluster projects, is delighted to announce the “Nano-week” and NanoCommons Final Conference, to be held this summer, in Limassol, Cyprus (with virtual participation also possible for selected sessions). The conference and associated events (e.g., Young NanoSafety Researchers event, Training events from across the nanosafety…

The NanoCommons Knowledge Base: how to find all data for one nanomaterial across multiple data sources, 2 Dec 2021, 15:00 – 17:00 CET

On Thursday 2nd December 2021, the NanoCommon team, in a joint initiative with the EU NanoSafety Cluster, will offer an online workshop/hackathon on their Knowledge Base (NC KB), termed “The NanoCommons Knowledge Base: how to find all data for one nanomaterial across multiple data sources”. Data retrievals & uploads will be showcased using the features of…

OECD Webinar: “How to access exposure to nanomaterials? The evaluation result of existing tools/models”, 2 Dec 2021, 14:00 CET / 08:00 EST

Dear colleagues, You are invited to join the OECD Webinar on “How to access exposure to nanomaterials? The evaluation result of existing tools/models” on Thursday 2 December 2021 at 14:00 CET / 08:00 EST (duration: 2 hours). The webinar will be available in English and Spanish. With the dramatic increase of nano-enabled products entering the…

Report: Inventory of research into Safe-by-Design Horizon2020 projects from 2013 to 2020

This week, a report ‘Inventory of research into Safe-by-Design Horizon2020 projects from 2013 to 2020’ has been published on the RIVM website: Nanotechnology and Safe-by-Design ( It is an extensive inventory of all activities that have been developed around Safe-by-Design. It provides a lot of information and hopefully is a basis on which we can…