Webinar on “Reflections on the Precautionary Principle”, 9 Oct 2023, 14-15 p.m. CET

You are invited to attend the webinar “Reflections on the Precautionary Principle as an Insturment against Environmental Degradation” on 9 October 2023 from 14:00-15:00 CET. by Guillermo Foladori Main public policy instruments for dealing with toxic chemicals. Reductionist and Contextual approaches Normal and post-normal science Cause-effect and the principle of replicability in science Dr. Guillermo…

Test Guideline No. 126: Determination of the Hydrophobicity Index of Nanomaterials Through an Affinity Measurement

Test Guideline No. 126: Determination of the Hydrophobicity Index of Nanomaterials Through an Affinity Measurement You are invited to join the webinar on Test Guideline No. 126: Determination of the Hydrophobicity Index of Nanomaterials Through an Affinity Measurement that will be held on Wednesday 20 September at 14:00-15:30 CEST / 08:00 – 09:30 EDT. The…

NMBP-15 workshop: Towards industrial application of the SSbD approach, 22 Sept 2023, Rome

The safety and sustainability of chemicals and materials and their applications are a cornerstone of current EU policy and industrial strategies.Frameworks and criteria for practical implementation of SSBD approaches have been published by the OECD, European Commission, andindustrial actors, such as CEFIC. These will increasingly become premium aspects to access funding and contracts and are…

MaterialWeek 2024, 17-21 June 2024, Limassol, Cyprus

The MaterialWeek will take place in CrownPlaza Hotel in Limassol, Cyprus from 17th – 21st June 2024. The next good opportunity to strengthen the collaboration and strengthen the community is the MaterialWeek 2024. The event is organised by 5 sister projects on „characterisation and visualisation“ (HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-35: Advanced characterisation methodologies to assess and predict the health and…

Call for contributions

In almost every conference and meeting, we hear multiple times how important data is and that we should share everything we have and that everything should be easily accessible preferable in a one-stop shop. Even if it is clearly not a solution to address these demands completely, knowing which relevant data resources are available and…

Project NOVA “Next Generation BiOactiVe NAnocoatings” launched

Next Generation BiOactiVe NAnocoatings – NOVA Scientists and industry unite to develop the next generation of antimicrobial coating technologies to provide safer environments The transmission of pathogenic microorganisms can happen rapidly with catastrophic and long-term consequences. The growing consequence of antibiotic resistance, and the constant reduction in efficacy of antibiotics is now a global concern.…

Report about SABYDOMA’s 2nd Legal Workshop on S[S]bD

On Monday 5th June 2023, the EU H2020 project SABYDOMA organised its 2nd Legal Workshop on Safe-by-Design (SbD), on the first day of the nanoSAFE2023 conference in Grenoble, France. While the by-design paradigm now seems to be integrated into regulatory policies, legal challenges have yet to be addressed. This workshop is the first to focus on potential liability issues…