Industrial Technologies 2018

The “INDustrial TECHnologies – Innovative industries for smart growth conference” will give stakeholders the opportunity to discuss the future of EU industry and related EU’s research & innovation activities. The event will combine keynote presentations, discussions, a matchmaking event, fish-bowls, world cafés and an exhibition on new industrial applications for research on Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials,…

NSC Scientific Meeting, Athens, Greece, 22-23 March 2018

NSC Scientific MeetingAthens, Greece, March 2018 Dear Colleagues, The next EU NanoSafety Cluster Scientific Meeting, organised with the help and in coordination with the 30-month NanoFASE Consortium Meeting (19-21 March 2018) took place at the Royal Olympic Hotel in Athens, Greece in March 22-23 2018. The meeting was followed by the Greek NanoSafety Platform launching event on 23 March 2018. The…

NanoSafety Cluster Face-to-Face Meeting and Data Harmonisation Workshop, Brussels, 2017

NSC Face-to-Face Meeting and Data Harmonisation WorkshopBrussels, Belgium, 2017 NSC meeting & ECHA data harmonisation workshop 18/19 October 2017 (Brussels) Location: UoB Brussels office, 22-28 Avenue d’Auderghem/Oudergemselaan B-1040 Brussels, Belgium [Agenda] The EU NanoSafety Cluster (NSC) face-to-face meeting and Data Harmonisation Workshop, which took place at the University of Birmingham’s Office in October 2018, comprised of two parts:…

NSC Meeting – Venice 2017

NSC MeetingVenice, 2017 Wednesday, March 1st, 2017 Task Force Meeting for establishment of an EC Risk Governance of Nanotechnologies Minutes from the meeting are available here. Presentations: Katalagarianakis: Explanation of the needs of the EC action on nano-risk governance Hristozov: The Society for Risk Analysis – NanoSafety Cluster Round-table initiative on Risk Governance of Nanotechnologies Trump & Linkov: The…

NSC Meeting – Grenoble 2016

NSC MeetingGrenoble, 2016 Wednesday, November 9th, 2016 Minutes from the meeting are available here. Presentations: Savolainen: How FIOH has coordinated NSC Katalagarianakis: What the EC expects from NSC and risk governance Falk: How to develop the coordination of the NSC Cassee: How to develop the coordination of the NSC Lynch & Valsami-Jones: How to develop the coordination of the NSC Svendsen: How…

NSC Meeting – Stockholm 2016

NSC MeetingStockholm, 2016 Wednesday, September 14th, 2016 Minutes from the meeting are available here. Presentations: Closer to the Market Roadmap Nanobioinformatics Roadmap Integrating the roadmaps and updating the Research Roadmap (Strategic Research Agenda) Task Force on Safety: draft conclusions for HLG Sustainability Task Force (TF): Nanoinformatics and data resource sustainability Open Data & NSC activivites WG1…

NSC Meeting – Paris 2015

NSC MeetingParis 2015 Wednesday, September 30th, 2015 Minutes from the meeting are available here. Presentations: Tasks for WGs Closer to the Market (CTTM) Roadmap Developing a European Consortium of Expertise to Inform the Public and Private Sectors on Risk Management for the Safe Design and Implementation of Nanotechnology Tools/ Frameworks and Databases in Nanosafety Future Events