NanoSafety Cluster (NSC) Education Day @ NanoSAFE Digital Conference, 16 Nov 2020

NanoSafety Cluster (NSC) Education Day @ NanoSAFE, 16 Nov 2020 Intention: This day shall act as guidance for the entire NanoSafety community, including young researchers, to highlight how individual research projects fit as a puzzle piece into the wider picture. It shall be an orientation-giving and educational event depicting the overall strategy behind NanoSafe(ty).  …

REFINE Second Knowledge Exchange Digital Conference, 2-3 Nov 2020

Dear Colleague, We are honoured to announce the Live workshop focused on knowledge sharing on regulatory challenges in nanotechnology, organized by the H2020 project REFINE. For the ones of you being interested in the regulatory aspects of nanomedicine and nano-enabled consumer products. See attached program   Dates: 2nd and 3rd November 2020, 2:30-5:00 pm CEST   Link to the initiative,…

NanoExplore Webinar: Exposure and Devise, 8 Oct 2020, 12:00 CEST

The Life NanoExplore project is working to develop and demonstrate the feasibility of an integrated approach to conduct biomonitoring studies, characterise exposure levels and elucidate possible health effects deriving from exposure to engineered nanomaterials (ENM). NanoExplore promotes a harmonized approach to overcome current data gaps and barriers limiting the implementation of the REACH regulation and…

2020 U.S.-EU NanoEHS COR Workshop: Bridging Insights and Perspectives September 16-17, Virtual Meeting

The U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) and European Commission have organized the ninth annual meeting of the nanoEHS Communities of Research (CORs) as a virtual workshop on September 16-17, 2020. As the nanoEHS research ecosystem continues to evolve, this event will identify future needs and opportunities. Conversations will further address how the lessons learned from…

GRACIOUS release a new publication covering the GRACIOUS Framework for grouping and read – across of nanomaterials

  On the 8th of August 2020, a team of 22 scientists from the Horizon 2020 GRACIOUS consortium published a paper describing a novel science-based Framework for grouping and read-across of nanomaterials. A Framework for grouping and read-across of nanomaterials – supporting innovation and risk assessment. A main objective of the GRACIOUS Framework is to…

Human biomonitoring of nanomaterials: Challenges and Achievements. 20 July 2020, 10 AM CEST

Nanotechnology is a fast growing and promising technology due to its potential to develop new add-values products. Their increased production, handling and availability on the market brings innovative applications, but can also lead to personal exposure with the potential for unforeseen biological effects. In particular, workers in companies manufacturing and handling nanomaterials are likely to…

Webinar “Association of occupational exposure with ex vivo functional immune response in workers handling carbon nanotubes and nanofibers” hosted by NSC and available to watch again

Webinar “Association of occupational exposure with ex vivo functional immune response in workers handling carbon nanotubes and nanofibers” hosted by NSC and available to watch again. Claire Skentelbery (NIA, Chair NSC Dissemination), Stella Stoycheva (Yordas, Co-chair NSC WG A), and Martin Himly (PLUS, Chair NSC WG A) On Tuesday, June 30th 2020, the NanoSafety Cluster…

BNN NEWS 02/2020 availabe for download now!

Dear ladies and gentlemen, we would like to inform you that the BNN Newsletter 02/2020 is available for download now. Besides scientific contributions from our BioNanoNet members, reports about projects and activities and an overview of interesting publications, we kindly highlight the presentation about our BioNanoNet member ams AG. Enjoy reading our BNN newsletter! Sincerely,…