FAIR4Chem Award

The FAIRest dataset in chemistry – Application period open until 17 Nov. 2023   The FAIR4Chem Award honours researchers in chemistry who publish their research data. The award is given for published chemistry research datasets that best meet the FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) and thus make a significant contribution to increasing transparency in research…

1st F2F ELIXIR Toxicology Community meeting took place

The ELIXIR Toxicology Community held their first face-to-face meeting in Brussels (Belgium) on 20 September 2023 at the Maastricht University’s “Campus Brussels”. The meeting was aligned with a PARC WP7 meeting and multiple PARC participants were among the 10 in person and 13 online people. The Toxicology Community Implementation Study plan was discussed, aligning solutions…

White Paper on OECD Test Guideline development From Science to Regulation

Press Release The Horizon 2020 funded NanoHarmony project published a White Paper on OECD Test Guideline development From Science to Regulation. International agreement on methodologies to test and characterise chemicals and advanced (nano)materials is essential to protect human health and the environment. The OECD Test Guidelines Programme helps to develop harmonised agreed methods that can…

INISS-Nano webinar „Reflections on precautionary principle“ 9 October 2023

INISS-Nano webinar „Reflections on precautionary principle“ 9 October 2023, online In collaboration with ANSOLE, INISS-Nano and the EU Nanosafety Cluster (NSC), Ineke Malsch organized a webinar to discuss and reflect on the precautinary principle. As key-note speaker, Guillermo Foladori, professor at the Academic Unit of Development Studies of the Autonomous University of Zacatecas in Mexico,…

Post on NSC LinkedIn

Promote any of your NSC related activities by posting directly in NSC LinkedIn group. Make sure that you are a member of the the LinkedIn group in order to be able to post. If you are not a member yet, please join the NSC LinkedIn group. If you want a news posted on NSC Twitter…