Malta Initiative publishes Priority List

What is the Malta Initiative Priority List? Since 2017 the Mata Initiative has been working to update OECD Test Guidelines (TG) and Guidance Documents (GD) to ensure that they are applicable to nanomaterials and (other) advanced materials. OECD TGs are essential for industry and regulatory authorities involved in the testing and evaluation of chemicals and…

ANTHOS 2024 (4-7 March 2024, Vienna, AT)

          Advanced (Nano)Materials and Technologies: Science, Research & Innovation for Safety and Sustainability The “Advanced (Nano)Materials and Technologies: science, research & innovation for safety and sustainability” Summit 2024 (ANTHOS 2024) will take place from 4 – 7 March 2024 in Vienna, Austria and promotes the advancements in technological innovation & research…

Ten simple actions to make NanoSafety Cluster Research Output more Findable

Egon Willighagen  DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10533126   A lot is written about the FAIR principles for making data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (just search for FAIR “NanoSafety Cluster” in Google Scholar). But the NanoSafety Cluster (NSC) is putting these things into practice. This document describes a few solutions adopted by the NSC that can be used…

The ELIXIR Toxicology Community Whitepaper

Egon Willighagen DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10551071   The ELIXIR Toxicology Community whitepaper, released as a preprint in 2021, was revised and accepted last year1, reflecting the further development of the community, which was formally accepted late 2022. The Toxicology Community is interfacing between ELIXIR and the toxicology field, and that is meant to include the EU…

NSC Updates 2023

Dear NSC community, It is our main objective to keep you continuously up-to-date with any NSC-related activities. Here you find a list of all the previous NSC Updates. Feel free to share the information with your colleagues and invite them to directly join the community by signing up to the NSC mailing list. Sincerely, NSC…

Survey on state of the art of carbon-based nanomaterial detection and quantification in environmental and biological matrices

ECHA and EUON (European Observatory for Nanomaterials) have a financed study that will be launched as of next year, for tender application as of January 2024 . For the link and instructions on how to register as a listed contractor in the database please follow the link and instruction collated here:   Contact: Laurence…

Malta Initiative survey on priorities for making OECD TGs/GDs applicable for nano & advanced materials

The Malta Initiative just launched a survey to collect input on priorities where OECD Test Guidelines (TGs) and Guidance Documents (GDs) need actions to make them applicable for nanomaterials and (other) advanced materials, i.e. materials that come with specific properties and behaviour due to their size, shape and structure. You are invited to give your…

NanoHarmony OECD TG/GD Process Mentor releasesd

NanoHarmony OECD TG/GD Process Mentor; Help to bring your science forward as harmonised test methods NanoHarmony, a European Horizon 2020 funded project, is today releasing the NanoHarmony OECD TG/GD Process Mentor. The Process Mentor is an interactive web-based tool to guide stakeholders through the development process of OECD Test Guidelines (TGs) and Guidance Documents (GDs).…