Nanotechnologies: AFNOR and CEN to attend the 3rd European conference in Brussels

A 3rd open meeting on standardization for nanotechnologies and nanomaterials for safer products, production and uses is organized on 2 October 2018 in Brussels, by CEN/TC 352, for which AFNOR holds the secretariat. Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials contribute to the development of innovative new products and services in various fields (example: information storage, electronics, cosmetics to…

Joint PATROLS-GRACIOUS-NanoSafety Cluster event on harmonization of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

     Joint PATROLS-GRACIOUS-NanoSafety Cluster event on harmonization of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) On 12-13th June 2018, a joint workshop on SOPs harmonization was held at RIVM, Netherlands. This activity was part of the Nanosafety Cluster (Working Group C) and was sponsored by the EU projects PATROLS and GRACIOUS. It was organized to follow-up on…

Industrial Technologies 2018

The “INDustrial TECHnologies – Innovative industries for smart growth conference” will give stakeholders the opportunity to discuss the future of EU industry and related EU’s research & innovation activities. The event will combine keynote presentations, discussions, a matchmaking event, fish-bowls, world cafés and an exhibition on new industrial applications for research on Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials,…

NSC Scientific Meeting, Athens, Greece, 22-23 March 2018

NSC Scientific MeetingAthens, Greece, March 2018 Dear Colleagues, The next EU NanoSafety Cluster Scientific Meeting, organised with the help and in coordination with the 30-month NanoFASE Consortium Meeting (19-21 March 2018) took place at the Royal Olympic Hotel in Athens, Greece in March 22-23 2018. The meeting was followed by the Greek NanoSafety Platform launching event on 23 March 2018. The…

NanoSafety Cluster Face-to-Face Meeting and Data Harmonisation Workshop, Brussels, 2017

NSC Face-to-Face Meeting and Data Harmonisation WorkshopBrussels, Belgium, 2017 NSC meeting & ECHA data harmonisation workshop 18/19 October 2017 (Brussels) Location: UoB Brussels office, 22-28 Avenue d’Auderghem/Oudergemselaan B-1040 Brussels, Belgium [Agenda] The EU NanoSafety Cluster (NSC) face-to-face meeting and Data Harmonisation Workshop, which took place at the University of Birmingham’s Office in October 2018, comprised of two parts:…

NSC Meeting – Venice 2017

NSC MeetingVenice, 2017 Wednesday, March 1st, 2017 Task Force Meeting for establishment of an EC Risk Governance of Nanotechnologies Minutes from the meeting are available here. Presentations: Katalagarianakis: Explanation of the needs of the EC action on nano-risk governance Hristozov: The Society for Risk Analysis – NanoSafety Cluster Round-table initiative on Risk Governance of Nanotechnologies Trump & Linkov: The…

NSC Meeting – Grenoble 2016

NSC MeetingGrenoble, 2016 Wednesday, November 9th, 2016 Minutes from the meeting are available here. Presentations: Savolainen: How FIOH has coordinated NSC Katalagarianakis: What the EC expects from NSC and risk governance Falk: How to develop the coordination of the NSC Cassee: How to develop the coordination of the NSC Lynch & Valsami-Jones: How to develop the coordination of the NSC Svendsen: How…