Graphene Korea 2019

Graphene Korea 2019 will be organized in Incheon/Seoul (Rep. of Korea) from the 27 until the 29 March 2019. This event will cover the latest technology developments, applications, commercialization progress, end user requirements and challenges for Graphene and 2D Materials. Don’t miss on this great opportunity to explore the graphene potential. The Graphene Korea topics…

Nanotech France 2019

  Nanotech France 2019, the 5th edition of the international conference and exhibition, brings together leading scientists, researchers, engineers, practitioners, technology developers and policy makers in nanotechnology to exchange information on their latest research progress and innovation. Participants from the top international academic, government and private industry labs of different disciplines participate in Nanotech France…

NanoMonitor Training Webinar – New Tools to Support the Sampling, Monitoring and Analysis of the Concentration of Nanomaterials in Workplaces and Urban Areas

About  The main objective of this Webinar is to train attendees on the use of the tools developed under the LIFE project NanoMONITOR to support the characterisation of the potential exposure to nanomaterials in workplaces and urban environments. The NanoMONITOR project develops a real-time information and monitoring system to support the risk assessment of nanomaterials…

1st BIORIMA Stakeholder Workshop – Follow up

1st BIORIMA Stakeholder Workshop Follow up The first BIORIMA Stakeholder workshop was held in the beautiful Valencia on November 6th 2018, titled: “Towards an Integrated Risk Management Framework for Nano-Biomaterials used in medical devices and advanced therapy medicinal products”. “Integration” was the underlying keyword of the meeting, where over 40 participants from the regulatory, industry…

LIFE NanoMONITOR Final Conference: New Solutions to Support the Sampling, Monitoring and Analysis of the Concentration of Nanomaterials in Workplaces and Urban Areas

Dear Colleagues, On behalf of the Organising Committee, it is a pleasure to invite you to the LIFE NanoMONITOR Final Conference: New Solutions to Support the Sampling, Monitoring and Analysis of the Concentration of Nanomaterials in Workplaces and Urban Areas. The Conference will be held in Valencia, Spain on 29 November 2018. The LIFE NanoMONITOR Final Conference is…