In almost every conference and meeting, we hear multiple times how important data is and that we should share everything we have and that everything should be easily accessible preferable in a one-stop shop. Even if it is clearly not a solution to address these demands completely, knowing which relevant data resources are available and how to access them would be a step in the right direction, allowing manual searches in these resources today and building improved search functionality across them in the future. Generating such a list and keeping it up-to-date is itself quite a task and even if current activities are supporting this task (NSC Research output management, FAIRness and Sharing WG (formally WG-F), GO FAIR AdvancedNano Implementation Network, US-EU Data Community of Research, INISS-nano), we might fail without your help. Therefore, we would like to ask you if you could share with us your knowledge about data resources you use or you manage. NanoCommons has started to generate a User Guidance Handbook collecting, besides other things, the major resources ( This was now handed over to the community and there are multiple ways you can get involved:
1) If you have basic knowledge about github and an account on the platform, you can become an author of the handbook.
2) You can send an email to either with just the link to the resource or, even better, a description of the resource, the data within, who is responsible, what would be the primary user group (e.g. risk assessors, in silico model developers, general public) and where training material can be found. This will then become pages directly inside the handbook (as for e.g. the NanoCommons KB, NanoPharos and the ACEnano data warehouse) or we link to the pages provided by the resource.
3) You can provide comments on the handbook page. If these are referring specific resources, we will review them and integrate them into the corresponding pages.
4) There is also a mural board based on a poster presented at NanoWeek 2022 (, where data management tools (not only data resources) can be presented. As for point 3, we will review these from time to time and integrate them into the pages. However, also keep in mind that there might be a need for further clarification and, thus, contact details are nice to have (which can be removed after the first contact has been established).
And since we are on this, we would be very happy if you use the same for disseminating FAIRification and nanoinformatics approaches in the corresponding sections. And since we know that at least some of our international friends read these NSC updates: The handbook is open to everyone and international resources are highly welcome.