NSC Meeting – Grenoble 2016

NSC MeetingGrenoble, 2016 Wednesday, November 9th, 2016 Minutes from the meeting are available here. Presentations: Savolainen: How FIOH has coordinated NSC Katalagarianakis: What the EC expects from NSC and risk governance Falk: How to develop the coordination of the NSC Cassee: How to develop the coordination of the NSC Lynch & Valsami-Jones: How to develop the coordination of the NSC Svendsen: How…

NSC Meeting – Stockholm 2016

NSC MeetingStockholm, 2016 Wednesday, September 14th, 2016 Minutes from the meeting are available here. Presentations: Closer to the Market Roadmap Nanobioinformatics Roadmap Integrating the roadmaps and updating the Research Roadmap (Strategic Research Agenda) Task Force on Safety: draft conclusions for HLG Sustainability Task Force (TF): Nanoinformatics and data resource sustainability Open Data & NSC activivites WG1…

NSC Compendium 2016

NSC Compendium 2016 Welcome to the 2016 Edition of the Nanosafety Cluster compendium. This year’s edition again spans FP7 and Horizon 2020 funded projects, as well as including updates from some of the ended Fp7 projects highlighting their ongoing impact beyond the project lifetime. Interestingly, we are approaching the tipping point whereby the number of…

NSC Research roadmap for nanosafety Part III: Closer to the market (CTTM)

Research roadmap for nanosafety Part IIICloser to the market Research roadmap for nanosafety Part III: Closer to the market (CTTM) Nano-products and nano-enabled applications need a clear and easy-to-follow human and environmental safety framework for the development along the innovation chain from initial idea to market and beyond that facilitates navigation through the complex regulatory…

NSC Meeting – Paris 2015

NSC MeetingParis 2015 Wednesday, September 30th, 2015 Minutes from the meeting are available here. Presentations: Tasks for WGs Closer to the Market (CTTM) Roadmap Developing a European Consortium of Expertise to Inform the Public and Private Sectors on Risk Management for the Safe Design and Implementation of Nanotechnology Tools/ Frameworks and Databases in Nanosafety Future Events

NSC Compendium 2015

NSC Compendium 2015 Welcome to the 2015 Edition of the Nanosafety Cluster compendium. This year’s edition spans FP7 and Horizon 2020 funded projects, as well as including updates from some of the ended Fp7 projects highlighting their ongoing impact beyond the project lifetime. As always, the compendium documents the status of important EU-funded projects on…