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Webinar on “Reflections on the Precautionary Principle”, 9 Oct 2023, 14-15 p.m. CET

You are invited to attend the webinar “Reflections on the Precautionary Principle as an Insturment against Environmental Degradation” on 9 October 2023 from 14:00-15:00 CET. by Guillermo Foladori Main public policy instruments for dealing with toxic chemicals. Reductionist and Contextual approaches Normal and post-normal science Cause-effect and the principle of replicability in science Dr. Guillermo…

Test Guideline No. 126: Determination of the Hydrophobicity Index of Nanomaterials Through an Affinity Measurement

Test Guideline No. 126: Determination of the Hydrophobicity Index of Nanomaterials Through an Affinity Measurement You are invited to join the webinar on Test Guideline No. 126: Determination of the Hydrophobicity Index of Nanomaterials Through an Affinity Measurement that will be held on Wednesday 20 September at 14:00-15:30 CEST / 08:00 – 09:30 EDT. The…