NanoPharma 2019 organizes highly notable conferences throughout the globe. Currently we are bringing forth “15th International Conference and Exhibition on Nanomedicine and Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology” (NanoPharma 2019) scheduled to be held during March 18-19, 2019 at Paris, France. The conference invites all the participants across the globe to attend and share their insights and convey recent developments in the field of Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology.
Conference Theme: “Transpire Importance of Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology to Drive in Pharma Industry”.
• Nanomedicine and Biomedical Applications
• Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology
• Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology
• Synthesis of Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery
• Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering
• Novel Drug Delivery Systems
• Smart Drug Delivery Technology
• Nano Pharmaceuticals
• Nanobiotechnology
• Personalized Nanomedicine
• Nanomedicine & Cancer
• Design of Nanodrugs
• Design & Characterization of Nanosystems
• Drug Delivery Research
• Graphene Medicine
• Regulatory Aspects towards Approval of Nanomedicine and Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology
• Nano Pharmaceutical Industry and Market
Who should attend
This event is dedicated to Nanomedicine and Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology and its advances with the augmentation of novel technologies. This event will bring to you oral and poster presentations, young research forum, technical workshops along with Keynote talks from experts and panel discussions. NanoPharma 2019 offers a Great opportunity to make networks in the field of Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology by providing collaborations. It allows delegates to have issues addressed on Pharmaceutical Sciences by recognized global experts who are up to date with the latest developments in these fields and provide information on new techniques and technologies. We honestly believe that your subscription towards the conference will go a long way in encouraging your products, brands and company.
- Phone: +44-2039363178 Ext: 7085
- Email: nanopharma@pharmaceuticalconferences.org